Cyprus is all set to open its primary schools and will welcome more than fifty thousand students.
This will make it the the second school term that will begin during the pandemic, and the third school term affected by it overall.
According to Marios Stylianides, the primary education director of the education ministry, despite the ongoing situation with the pandemic, it is important to be hopeful, while maintaining hygiene and practicing social distancing. He further added that the experiences gained in the last 2 years will help educators understand and navigate the present better.
He went on to say that the health of the children will of course be the primary and most important priority.
Prodromos Prodromou, the Cypriot Education Minister added that there will be some adjustments to the system. This includes (but is not limited to) setting 9:30am as the arrival time and the parents being able to accompany first graders till the first day.
A total of 330 primary schools, along with 119 special units, and 9 special schools are included in this reopening.