Both Turkey as well as Turkish Cyprus have expressed their outrage at the “Islamophobic” act of the hanging of a Byzantine flag on a mosque in the Greek Cyprus region.
Fuat Oktay, the vice-president of Turkey, took to Twitter to express his disapproval, saying how the Greek Cypriot administration must end the encouragement of anti-Islam and anti-Turkish activities. They must take measures and see to it that the “diseased mentality,” should be put to an end.
The move was further criticized by Omer Celik, a spokesman of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party. He also took to Twitter to express how the Greece must end its hostility towards Islam with immediate effect.
“We strongly condemn the hanging of a Byzantine flag on a mosque in Tuzla village in Southern Cyprus. The Greek administration should stop hostility toward Islam,” he said in a tweet.
Greek Cyprus has seen a series of attacks in the recent days. The most prominent of these has been the hanging of the Byzantine flag on a mosque in Southern Cyprus’ Tuzia village.
Another incident includes an arson attempt on another mosque in the region.