More than two hundred schools all over Cyprus got bomb threats, which led them to evacuate people and conduct large-scale police searches.

According to a spokesman for the Police, no explosive was discovered. However, they want to make sure, which is why there are still personnel who are investigating the matter.

Police investigation revealed that the threats had been sent through a temporary email that was linked to Russian servers. However, this is not evidence that the threat itself originated from the country.

The threat itself was in Greek language, and talked about attacks that happened in the past, along with threatening violence.

The police are likening this to a similarly-made fake bomb threat in 2023 – it was finally determined as an incident with little risk.

They have founded a crisis center to ensure the situation is managed properly – and are working in tandem with the Ministry of Education to make sure that everyone remains safe.

Both Europol and Interpol have been informed of the incident.

A similar method of threatening has been made in Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina.