Cleaning and organizing our homes and making it look as beautiful and presentable as possible is something that is always on our priority list. The same, however, doesn’t always apply to our garages – which tends to fall victim to procrastination. More often than not, the garage eventually just ends up being a messed-up collection of odds and ends put up in a pile that clearly screams “to be sorted” – a task we never seem to want to do.
But believe it or not, your garage can be one of the most rewarding places you could ever organize, provided you do it the right way. Below we shall discuss five simple yet highly-effective ways in which you can transform your garage – no matter what its size, shape or level of organization.
Optimize the Ceiling as a Storage Space
Given that the average garage door is roughly seven feet tall, the average garage ceiling is at least 8 eight in height. While the inside of garages have this extra height to allow the garage door to operate safely, it comes with the advantage of giving homeowners extra space they can use for storage. Using a few simple and cost-efficient projects, you can optimize this often-ignored space to house items that you use rarely.
You can hang large items such as surfboards, kayaks and bikes from your garage ceiling by using ceiling hangers. You can also install a sliding storage system using plastic bins and a tracking system that hangs down from the ceiling and store your seasonal and/or seldom used items there.
Find Smart Ways to Store Smaller Items & Tools
Any garage is bound to have a collection of small items and tools, and they can take up a lot of space lying around. By utilizing a couple of “smart” ideas, you can go a long way to making space while staying within reach. For instance, you can start by installing a pegboard or a large magnetic strip and attach your tools when they are not in use. You can also make a wall-mounted tape dispenser to organize your tapes.
Section your Garage into “Zones”
Garages are used for a range of purposes (besides keeping your car, of course). If not taken care of properly, these can interfere with each other, which can mess up your garage. This can be easily avoided by dividing the garage into broad sections.
Once you have made your zones, you can put things away faster. If things change, you can adjust the settings to adjust more (or less) things as needed. Such a system will make sure that your things and your car can peacefully coexist within the same space and not create a mess.
Invest in Good-Quality Shelves
Shelves are always a great storage investment, and garages are no exception to this rule. Many garage spaces already come with their walls covered up with shelves that you can easily use to store a variety of things.
If your garage does not have shelves (or if you are looking to add more shelves), you can easily buy them from your local hardware store. From plastic shelves to gorilla racks, they can help you store your goods, while keeping them within reach.
Always Maintain Cleanliness in your Garage
While this does sound very obvious, one might be surprised to see how rarely it is truly followed. Your organization could be perfect, but if your space isn’t cleaned, it encourages an atmosphere that can lead to more accumulation of clutter.
The best way to avoid this is by cleaning up regularly – make sure to remove the cobwebs and sweep the floors to avoid dust-buildup. You should also make sure to install good-quality lighting, which will enhance the look of cleanliness and clarity.
These are some key ways in which you can say goodbye to procrastination and make the garage space your own. Of course, among all of this, you should also keep an eye on your garage door and opener. And if you suspect any issues, all you need to do is call us – the “original” Neighborhood Garage Door a call.
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