According to a shocking new statistic revealed as part of a result of a study conducted ibn Cyprus, almost 60 percent of female violence victims never report the incident to anyone.
Cyprus-based Advisory Committee on Prevention and Combating Violence in the Family, which conducted the study – the first of its kind on the island nation – has been urging people to remember and observe the international Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which begins a two-week period of observance that focuses on the issue of violence against women.
According to the group, violence against women remains one of the most profound violations of human rights on an international level.
Established by a 1999 U.N. resolution, international Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women begins on November 25 and kicks-off a two-week period of campaigning to spread awareness of all kinds of violence against women. The two-week campaigning ultimately culminates in the UN Human Rights Day on December 10th.
According to statistics obtained thus far, violence against women is a commonplace occurrence in a majority of households, not just in Cyprus but all over the world. They happen irrespective to a woman’s age, race, religion and sexual orientation, and in some cases even their socio-economic background, education, and marital status.